Saturday, July 23, 2011

Getty Villa

LA has some great museums. The Getty Villa is one of them. Tickets are free but need to be reserved in advance. Parking is $15 per car.

The villa itself is not large, but has some amazingly detailed architecture and a great outdoor pool garden. A great place for a photoshoot.

We were fortunate enough to have a sunny but not hot day for our visit. The place is not that large and easily explored in 2-3 hours. If you choose to read every single plaque, it will take a little longer. I found the exhibits to be fairly interesting; however, this is not a history museum in the truest sense, so you will be disappointed if you expect a vast number of extremely rare artifacts.

View from the villa
Lovely corridor
Incredibly detailed work, as evident on the columns

Inner courtyard

Back garden

Despite no open fire pits, the day ended well with watching the sunset at Dockweiler Beach.  I think that summer rotation is given me a completely false view of what med school is going to be like.

Southern Chinese tan lines vs LA sun

Beautiful sun, freezing (55F) temperatures

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