Saturday, September 10, 2011

multi-programs mixers

Today was the Weyburn Hop.  Essentially, various (biology) PhD students offer to host for a certain amount of time each (in today's case, 4 places of 45 minutes each) as the party moves from one apartment to the next.  Hosts offer a drink of their choice as a social lubricant, and the conversation flows.

It was a lot of fun to meet non-MD and non-MD/PhD students.  Most of the students were first year PhD candidates in some biology related field.  There were also two law students.  I didn't meet any business students.  I definitely enjoyed myself.  I learned more about life as a PhD student or a law student and enjoyed a great sangria.

All in all, a successful and relaxing Friday night prior to a (potentially) all day review extravaganza on Saturday.

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